Tuesday, June 3, 2014

2014 Traffic Twister V10 Free Download

Minimum requirements: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (each 32 or 64bit O/S)
Latest Adobe FlashPlayer installed
Latest Microsoft .NET Framework 4.x installed

Once application is installed, go to TrafficTwister application icon, mouse right click and check the "compatibility mode". Set this one to "Windows XP SP2" compatibility mode and run this app with admin-rights.

Some minor hints:
The bot creates huge traffic, using a lot of different proxies. You might get alerts from your Antivirus- Software! But these come from Proxy-IP addresses which are vulnerable or known as being dangerous. So I strongly recommend to use Antivirus Software along with the bot to save your PC's life. The software itself isn't harmful and has no trojans or virus inside.
You can use TrafficTwister also as a "Referer bomber", leaving footprints everywhere in the internet. How can you do that? Usually Wordpress websites track their visitors and many others. You can leave your "footprint" there by loading those destination websites as URLs into the bot (Choose surf-URL from file). To leave your footprint there, load YOUR website(s) as "REFERER list" from file and start hitting other websites with your referer.


Hi I'am Dinuka Sanjaya, i'am a blogger and I love to Blogging. I Always Try ToHelp You......


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